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The week after the district dismissed students early when the temperature surpassed 95 degrees in some classrooms, directors said Tuesday they want to study the cost of installing air conditioning … the tax from those companies, such as out-of-town …

"To prevent frozen pipes, you need to find out where the air is getting into your house and seal it with insulation or caulking," said ernie zimmerman of Zimmerman Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning … said Pennsylvania American Water Company, which …

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"In the last 50 years, the jobs that require a 4-year degree haven … collision repair, health occupations, occupational childhood care, protection services, welding, carpentry, electrical construction, heating ventilation and air conditioning and …

Goodman HVAC Repair | Come Behind A Non-HVAC Service TechThe Penn grant is a vote of confidence … Some parks and rec centers haven’t seen repairs in decades. Eight library branches never opened last summer because they lacked air-conditioning. That’s unacceptable when you consider the role these facilities …

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